About the book
New To The Electric Universe

Short summary:

A Beginner's View of Our Electric Universe starts off with my own discovery of the Electric Model of the Universe. It then goes on without recourse to mathematics or difficult language to explain the background to the electric model and to introduce the credible and robust theories that form its foundations. I then compare the electric model to the problem-ridden theories of the current and astonishingly long-lived standard model of the universe. The book then goes on to cover some basic theory for readers who may find this useful.  It then introduces a few of the historically important and current scientists and researchers who have worked hard and honourably to establish and develop the underpinning theories of the electric model we have today. The latter part of the book then provides easy to understand explanations for the theories upon which the electric model is built, these being presented in a way that shows where and how those theories fit in terms of what we observe in space today. Finally, I finish the book with a few thoughts of my own.

More detail:

The story emerges from the science of the day in the 1800s and brings us to what astro-science is today. It presents a summary of what we are being told as fact regarding the workings of our universe, then goes on to identify the major controversial aspects of that story. Described then is the background to how today’s astro-science research has evolved under the influence of what some would say are less desirable aspects of human nature, where people put themselves and their beliefs before their responsibilities to society in the positions that they hold. Thoughts are also offered on how this may have come about and why the situation, sadly, remains unchanged today. Next, we address the major questions regarding the theories at the root of today’s astro-science. These cover the well-known and thorny areas of black holes, dark matter, dark energy, neutron stars, quasars, star birth and death, and more. I then outline the major problems these problem areas face through the ever increasing number of revealing questions about them; questions which the current Standard Model of the Universe seems unable to answer without resorting to magical maths. I prepare then for the rest of the book through a review of some basic science and electrical engineering theory, this being an exercise that should help those who need it get to grips with the basics of the electrical and plasma theories that are essential for a comfortable and constructive reading of the rest of the book. I then expand on the background to all of this by highlighting the significant, non- mainstream scientists and researchers and their work, these being just some of the important characters who have been and are currently associated with the electrical and plasma theories that underpin today’s Electric Model of the Universe.   Unsurprisingly, the work of these and other people is often suppressed, ignored, and occasionally attacked by establishment science. I then consider from the electric model perspective the structures and objects that exist in space and the events that take place there, while looking in detail at the answers the electric model provides to the fundamental questions previously raised. We then explore the electric model as a more common sense and logical basis on which to understand what we actually observe these days in the heavens, through our earth-based observatories and space-based satellite instrumentation. The bigger  picture that begins to form is astounding in its breadth, depth, and its implications. Overall, serious questions are highlighted regarding why today's astro-science establishment (mainstream science, aka theoretical physics and mathematics) has such a narrow preoccupation with highly questionable theories. This is a puzzle that is profound in itself, for why should those questions be kept in the shadows where they do not receive a public airing, or more appropriately, a balanced scientific debate? It seems that today's astro-science establishment would prefer that the public should not be made aware of the importance of these game-changing questions; why?  I attempt throughout the book to share some of the frustration I have around this issue by continually alluding to the following questions … Why has this situation come about and why are we the public justified in being suspicious of information coming from today's astro-science establishment? Why are the self-serving motivations of some well known scientists and big name institutions in astro-science still supporting a story about our universe that is observationally and logically not in line with our real experience from repeatable laboratory experimentation? Why do we not honour the people who have already and who still devote their lives in alternative ways to real scientific progress through their ongoing productive work in meaningful areas of scientific research? Why do we continue to teach our children so-called 'science facts', which in truth are only speculative ideas and theories that do not stand up to inspection, and where some of those have actually been shown without question to be wrong, and others impossible fantasy in the first place? Why do we continue to bestow honours and vast amounts of funding on people and institutions who put their productive time into complex speculative work that is based on discredited theories, and achieve absolutely nothing in terms of practical steps forward in real scientific research? Why do we never hear about the scientists and research workers who continue daily to work on 'science with substance', but who are forced to work in the shadows with no funding, other than from donations from sympathetic supporters, their own personal resources, and their families? Why do we fail to see through the illogical mathematical smoke screens and obvious theoretical nonsense to appreciate the much simpler, common sense explanations that exist in front of our eyes; explanations that are based around science that we already know very well? Why do we as the public not pay more attention to these important things,  and what should we be doing about this situation, now and in the future?

My thoughts before I

began writing this book,

the printed version being

big and square! …

First though There are enquiring minds out there like my own who don’t just accept what is told to us by authority, so, I felt a responsibility to share this important information. The book … Why a square printed book? … well, I simply didn’t want a book that was hard to stay open when put on a flat surface! I wanted big pages, a good bit of white space, lots of diagrams and pictures, and I knew that I should not ramble on, as can be my habit. I wanted colour in my graphics and pictures as I believe the difference this makes is invaluable, not just in presentation, but to assist the understanding of what is being presented for explanation. Feeling grateful to so many sources from where I drew information that allowed me to even consider writing the book, made me realise that I had an awful lot of people I had to thank. In the end, I hope I did that adequately. To keep it affordable I didn’t want my book to cost too much, but I knew I would have little control over that because of necessary costs to the publisher and others. The only thing I could do was to reduce my cut on the sale of each book to just over one GB pound. The eBook was treated just the same. Due mainly to the information in the book belonging to all of us (that is what I firmly believe) I wanted to give the book away at no cost; hence the free PDF. At no point throughout this exercise have I coveted the idea of making a personal profit. What I have gained, however, is immeasurable in its value to myself as an individual on this planet at this time, and to my ongoing development as a spiritual being.
© NewToEU 2017
Made with Xara
For more Electric Universe information please visit: www.holoscience.com and www.thunderbolts.info

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for the inquisitive lay person
© NewToEU 2017

Short summary:

A Beginner's View of Our Electric Universe starts off with my own discovery of the Electric Model of the Universe. It then goes on without recourse to mathematics or difficult language to explain the background to the electric model and to introduce the credible and robust theories that form its foundations. I then compare the electric model to the problem-ridden theories of the current and astonishingly long-lived standard model of the universe. The book then goes on to cover some basic theory for readers who may find this useful.  It then introduces a few of the historically important and current scientists and researchers who have worked hard and honourably to establish and develop the underpinning theories of the electric model we have today. The latter part of the book then provides easy to understand explanations for the theories upon which the electric model is built, these being presented in a way that shows where and how those theories fit in terms of what we observe in space today. Finally, I finish the book with a few thoughts of my own.

More detail:

The story emerges from the science of the day in the 1800s and brings us to what astro-science is  today. It presents a summary of what we are being told as fact regarding the workings of our universe, then goes on to identify the major controversial aspects of that story. Described then is the background to how today’s astro-science research has evolved under the influence of what some would say are less desirable aspects of human nature, where people put themselves and their beliefs before their responsibilities to society in the positions that they hold. Thoughts are also offered on how this may have come about and why the situation, sadly, remains unchanged today. Next, we address the major questions regarding the theories at the root of today’s astro-science. These cover the well-known and thorny areas of black holes, dark matter, dark energy, neutron stars, quasars, star birth and death, and more. I then outline the major problems these problem areas face through the ever increasing number of revealing questions about them; questions which the current Standard Model of the Universe seems unable to answer without resorting to magical maths. I prepare then for the rest of the book through a review of some basic science and electrical engineering theory, this being an exercise that should help those who need it get to grips with the basics of the electrical and plasma theories that are essential for a comfortable and constructive reading of the rest of the book. I then expand on the background to all of this by highlighting the significant, non-mainstream  scientists and researchers and their work, these being just some of the important characters who have been and are currently associated with the electrical and plasma theories that underpin today’s Electric Model of the Universe.   Unsurprisingly, the work of these and other people is often suppressed, ignored, and occasionally attacked by establishment science. I then consider from the electric model perspective the structures and objects that exist in space and the events that take place there, while looking in detail at the answers the electric  model provides to the fundamental questions previously raised. We then explore the electric model as a more common sense and logical basis on which to understand what we actually observe these days in the heavens, through our earth- based observatories and space-based satellite instrumentation. The bigger picture that begins to form is astounding in its breadth, depth, and its implications. Overall, serious questions are highlighted regarding why today's astro-science establishment (mainstream science, aka theoretical physics and mathematics) has such a narrow preoccupation with highly questionable theories. This is a puzzle that is profound in itself, for why should those questions be kept in the shadows where they do not receive a public airing, or more appropriately, a balanced scientific debate? It seems that today's astro-science establishment would prefer that the public should not be made aware of the importance of these game-changing questions; why?  I attempt throughout the book to share some of the frustration I have around this issue by continually alluding to the following questions … Why has this situation come about and why are we the public justified in being suspicious of information coming from today's astro-science establishment? Why are the self-serving motivations of some well known scientists and big name institutions in astro-science still supporting  a story about our universe that is observationally and logically not in line with our real experience from repeatable laboratory experimentation? Why do we not honour the people who have already and who still devote their lives in alternative ways to real scientific progress through their ongoing productive work in meaningful areas of scientific research? Why do we continue to teach our children so-called 'science facts', which in truth are only speculative ideas and theories that do not stand up to inspection, and where some of those have actually been shown without question to be wrong, and others impossible fantasy in the first place? Why do we continue to bestow honours and vast amounts of funding on people and institutions who put their productive time into complex speculative work that is based on discredited theories, and achieve absolutely nothing in terms of practical steps forward in real scientific research? Why do we never hear about the scientists and research workers who continue daily to work on 'science with substance', but who are forced to work in the shadows with no funding, other than from donations from sympathetic supporters, their own personal resources, and their families? Why do we fail to see through the illogical mathematical smoke screens and obvious theoretical nonsense to appreciate the much simpler, common sense explanations that exist in front of our eyes; explanations that are based around science that we already know very well? Why do we as the public not pay more attention to these important things, and what should we be doing about this situation, now and in the future?
NewToEU A Beginner’s View of Our Electric Universe