Pre-Publishing Reviewers
Wallace Thornhill, lead author, researcher, and scientist of “The Electric Universe”
"Tom Findlay's book is a remarkable contribution from a newcomer to the Electric Universe. He shows the impact that this new and simpler way
of seeing the universe can have on a practical man with a keen interest in astronomy. "A Beginner's View" is easy to read and copiously illustrated.
Tom makes a heartfelt plea for individuals to participate in science once more; to use their intuition and common-sense to question the science
fiction headlines and gross expenditure on massive projects. After all, history shows most great breakthroughs are made by individuals, most of
them outsiders."
, long time Electric Universe researcher
“Newcomers to the idea of electricity in space are apt to find even the possibility of electrical explanations for cosmic phenomena to be
unfamiliar and therefore startling. This book provides a comfortable transition from familiar gravity-based explanations to a basic understanding
of plasma behaviour and its manifestations in stars and galaxies. The book will ease the surprise and enable the reader to better understand the
more technical publications in this new way of thinking about the universe.”
, Hull University Physics Department (retired) and author of “Exploding a Myth”
“One of the biggest challenges facing modern science is ensuring that the members of the general public fully understand what has been
achieved in all areas of science and what is proposed for future research. This is vital because it is that public which eventually pays the bill for the
'games scientists play'. The advocates of certain theories have been eminently successful in this enterprise but the end result has been that the
public has been left woefully ignorant of many of the very real controversies existing. This is especially true in the general area of
astronomy/astrophysics. For a great many years now, that general area has been dominated by theories which elevate the force of gravity to a
dominant position, while ignoring the possible effects of the much much stronger electromagnetic force. Workers in the field covered by the names
plasma cosmology and electric universe have attempted to rectify this position. However, most of the existing material in this area is hardly in a
form for consumption by the general public. This present book by Tom Findlay, “A Beginner’s View of Our Electric Universe”, is an excellent attempt
to rectify this situation. In it, readers will find explanations for a great number of astrophysical phenomena in terms of electric universe ideas;
some even clear up situations not understood on the basis of currently accepted conventional wisdom. Although in a sense a 'popular' science
book, this book will require the reader to concentrate if a real understanding is the requirement but that concentration will be very well rewarded
at the end and the reader will realise just how much more there is to learn about our solar system, our galaxy and even our universe than is
portrayed in present 'pop-science' books in the area. I urge all to read this book, digest its contents and finish with a fuller, more complete
understanding of our wonderful universe that will open the door for delving deeper into the greater technical detail available in books and on
websites published and maintained by the researchers at the core of this topic.”
Jim Johnson, Electric Universe researcher and editor of the on-line "The Essential Guide to the Electric Universe".
"Reading this book left me with the impression that it could be considered encyclopaedic in its breadth of description of the elements of science
and observation that are basic to the Electric Universe paradigm. By addressing the most interesting and provocative detail of the Electric Universe
model, this book covers the bases that lead to the more technical "Essential Guide to the Electric Universe". If this straightforward read doesn't get
lay people as well as astronomers and astro-scientists to thinking about what today's observations might really mean, and how to effectively
incorporate better explanations into the fabric of the science being taught to our students all over the world, then it's hard to imagine what will.
The illustrations spread throughout are a valuable element, for we all see and understand much better when details can be explained graphically.
The NASA images, without much further discussion, or, too often, ill-conceived conjecture based on old assumptions, say much more than words
alone. Tom's own illustrations are clear, artistically done, and convey the appropriate fundamentals of electricity and electrodynamics in a way
almost anyone can pick up. The book's organization is clear and concise, and follows a logical path from beginning to end. The nod that is given to
the scientists, whom history is apparently trying to relegate to the dust bin, is also appreciated. It is true that unfortunate things have happened as
good science has been ignored in the past, but change is now afoot, and this book is an example of the rash of material now appearing, which by
presenting relevant elements of the history of scientific revolutions and the discoveries that have arisen from them, opens the door to the
inescapable realization that the old order in astro-science will be replaced in a generation or two. This will be the first introduction to the Electric
Universe for a lot of people. I think that for many it will be the start of a lifelong change of perspective and knowledge about what kind of Universe
we are an intrinsic part of."
, Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Massachusetts/Amherst (retired) and
author of "The Electric Sky"
"In general I feel strongly that this book will serve nicely as another brick in the wall of evidence that will be convincing to the average reader.
Anyone who has interest enough to read it cannot go away without having the feeling that: the EU has a great deal to offer modern astro-science;
the power structure of modern astro-science is reacting irrationally to our suggestions; an honest, intelligent man who does not pretend to have
expertise in astro-science, but who does have a deep interest in it wrote this work. The author also clearly has the ability to incisively ferret out
subtle errors as well as obvious nonsense arguments and baseless assumptions. The style is very appealing."
- Professor Emeritus, University of California, Davis - “”
“Tom Findlay’s book is a first-class contribution to humanity--a personal yet comprehensive and penetrating view, through the eyes of a bright
layman, of the amazing insights into natural science that are awaiting the inquiring mind, regardless of any lack of previous training in science.
These insights come from the emerging scientific paradigm shift, from traditional astrophysics and cosmology based on the erroneous assumption
that gravity is the dominant force in the Universe to the more scientific interpretation of empirical evidence in which electromagnetic forces
dominate in the workings of the Universe. The profound effect this new scientific paradigm will have on mankind's understanding of natural
science will almost certainly revolutionize much, if not most, of scientific knowledge gained over the preceding century. This unique book also
exposes mankind’s endless struggle to be true to the code of science embodied in the Scientific Method. Had this struggle been won 100 years ago,
and the Scientific Method adhered to more faithfully since then, there would likely be no need for the upcoming highly disruptive revolution in
thought. Tom Findlay is to be congratulated for an important job very well done.”
, Lead Scientist, SAFIRE Project
“Making a "Beginner's Guide" to Electric Universe ideas is very difficult. Tom pulls it off with just the right balance for audiences that are not well
trained in astrophysics. And, even for we trained folk, the book is a very good read, never descending into hand-waving nor reaching for
unsatisfying analogies.
Beginner's Guides to EU are difficult because including the causative role of electric fields and currents in physical sciences is very far reaching -
reaching to all the physical world. The old astrophysics mantra that cosmic plasma must be charge neutral, aside from being wrong and never
based upon any actual measurements, has hampered scientists seeing how Nature works. Nature is ALWAYS separating charges, non-neutrality
being a fundamental and ubiquitous mechanism for energy exchange. Pollinating insects always have a higher electrical potential than the flowers
they visit. All moons exchange millions of amperes of current with their planets. So writing a "Beginner's Guide" usually starts out with good intent,
but soon starts including more and more of the known universe, and soon the author is buckling under the weight of trying to describe a
cosmological reformulation. Never an easy thing.”
Readers of the book and other Electric Universe friends ...
Marco Vecchi (Italy) - Hello from Rome, GREAT BOOK (now in Italian also!) Thanks Tom Findlay!
Gerard Bik (Netherlands) - Your website sparkles :-D LOL
Bill Miller (Scotland) - I admire Tom's dedication to what may be truth! Time will tell and our minds will be expanded.
Irma Bonfanti (Scotland) - Well done Tom and thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn from your experience.
Yves (Colombia) - Dear Mr Findlay, I finished reading your fascinating pdf version a few minutes ago. This is master work. I can identify
immediately with the pain and hardship it took to lay down the obvious to you and to turn it into simple and common sense concepts for the
public at large. I shall be in contact with you to add to your research by way of specific documents. Bravo.Yves, from the Yves Report. Nov22,12
Alan Thomson (Scotland) - To quote a TV program from a long long time ago... "Interesting, very interesting".
Eric Aitchison (Australia) - Been a fan and friend of Wal since Portland, 1995 I think. Cannot wait to buy your book. I read
THUNDERBOLTS every day. I'm 76 and still hope to see Wal vindicated.
Dave Spittal (Bahrain) - Fantastic book. We owe it to the youth of today to open their eyes to the possibility that we do not know
everything and that there is very much still to be learned. I teach physics and this book has made me think very carefully about what I teach and
how I teach it.
ArniK (USA) - Everyone needs to hear about EU. This is a great vehicle in my opinion.
Kimbal Binder (USA) - I have read the first 20-some pages of your on-line book and I am truly exited! Many years of study of organisms
and fossils but not much research into astrophysics other than buying Spike Psarris' videos and reading a few people like Humphreys and Carmel.
Already fascinated...
Mark Spann (USA) - Hey Tom, long time no talk. I saw your posts on XXXXSect a few weeks back and have been meaning to drop-in, as it,
were, and take a look at the final. Saw you posted this in MEUF and decided to pop-in to the site and take a look around. I'll drop you a line from
time to time now after reading the book. Glad to have a resource to refer EU newcomers to. Best regards Mark S.
Matthew C Cox (USA) - Thanks for the work Tom. I've downloaded your book and will be reading it as I attempt to wrap my brain
around this new (to me) topic.
Gregory J Frenkel (USA) - Thank you for writing what seems to echo my thoughts and experience with EU. More response to follow as I
read through your book.
Peter Mungo Jupp (Australia) - looks a great site . good luck Peter
Francis MacIsaac (Canada) - I am happy to have found your site. For years I have been interested in electricity and magnetism and
their relationship to each other. Looking forward to reading your book. Finally, a theory to help me increase my knowledge in the EU.
And subsequently from Francis ... Marvellous! A science text book for the masses. The EU model exquisitely removes the oppressive weight, of
gravity's tyranny. Brilliant!
Shelley Wells (USA) - I want my children and grandchildren to start with a sound foundation. We as parents, give our children everything
we have to make sure that their start in life is built on OUR lessons learned so they can grow further than we ever could. What you are doing as the
Thunderbolts Team, is giving all of our children the ability to participate in the discoveries of science. Most importantly, that we can challenge the
"Status Quo" and ask questions because we want to pay it forward, which is a LIFE lesson they will never forget.
Wal Thornhill (Australia) - Congratulations Tom!
Fabio Sau (Italy) - Thank You for your wonderful intro book to the amazing Electric Universe! I have loved reading and reading again
every page of it. I look forward to some sort of...Edition II! ^_^ God Bless!
Best Greetings from southern Sardinia, Italy
Blythe Mitchell (Scotland) - Good to meet you after all these years. I hope those evening meetings at Muirkirk helped to set you on the
path to question and seek alternatives to established theories. Best wishes.
Rohit (India) - Very interested in this view of how things happen and I'm looking forward to reading your book. Thanks...
Charles Scamman (USA) - Finally a "theory" that makes some sense to the lay person.
Oldavid (Australia) - I look forward to reading your book, Tom. I've long been suspicious of current fads and Einsteinism in particular of
recent. I'll be very interested to see if EU is just another attempt to justify a Naturalistic, Materialist impossibility. Kind regards, David
Bob Quick (USA) - Started looking into the Thunderbolt Project 1 year ago, and the journey continues, forever more ! No black holes,
dark matter, dark energy, and the rest of that ******** ! It's ALL electric, and electromagnetic, and just makes sense. It can be scaled up in plasma
experiments, in the lab.. The mathimagicians have it ALL wrong ! Since when is anyone allowed to divide by zero, to come up w/ infinity, for the
density for a black hole.. ******* !
Charlie Stewart (Scotland) - Hi Tom, You set yourself a goal some time ago and in my my mind you have achieved just that. The
Standard Model simply cannot touch the EU Model for hard facts. I admire your aim of widening out this information to the thinking population.
Well done!!
Alberto Otero (Chile) - I am interested in the EU.
Hans Koudenburg (Netherlands) - Thanks for the free book!
Gary Sottile (USA) - Just finished reading the Intro - Like your style, comfortable and thorough. Much to read and looking forward to
more feelings of completeness.
Tristan Sanchez M. (Mexico) - THANK YOU for this book. It is really exciting to access this important and amazing information. Those
who have always doubted of the mambo-yambo Dogmas of the Einsteinian Cult, can be happy to know that exists a true scientific theory that
really explains most of Universe´s known phenomena. I´m downloading this pdf version, and will also buy the book to encourage and support
your Work on Real Knowledge. Gracias Amigo !
astrotas (Tasmaina) - thx awesome site.
James M. Kenyon (USA) - I am getting to look into your book and I applaud your working on a very worthwhile project. I know both Wal
Thornhill and Don Scott, and many other folks involved in sharing this concept, each one of them has great integrity. I look forward to reading it.
Thank you.
Stephan J (UK) - As an avid lay reader of science, after many years of becoming more and more disillusioned by the proliferating ad-hoc
explanations which became ever more unbelievable I too discovered the electric universe alternative paradigm.
Birgir Johannesson (Iceland) - Dear Tom. I have read your book, thanks for this really good introduction. I now know much more what
the EU is about. I look forward to learning more about the details. Best wishes, Birgir.
Jim Robinson (Canada) - I too am beginning to favor the EU theories and first read about them 20 year or more ago in the Eric
Learner's book called The Big Bang Never Happened (recommended) -- now I have a question: How do Fred Hoyle's theories of the synthesis of the
elements fit in with the plasma cosmology approach ? -- I cannot find anywhere to ask this question directly -- perhaps you can help with this --
would be appreciated Thanks.
[ TomF: I answered Jim and also directed him to the user forum at ].
James Moffat (New Zealand) - Great to see a viable alternative theory to the Gravity Model. I'm telling the kids on our school groups
visits to our Observatory about this as it may well rewrite the physics books and our understanding of the Universe.
Aretia Ganea (Romania) - "Super"
Anthony Stewart (USA) - I heard about the Electric Universe about two years ago, but felt overwhelmed by the amount of information
that I would have to absorb to understand it. This book seems like a great starting point to gain an better understanding of the electric universe for
a layman like myself, to whom the Big Bang gravitational theory has been shown to be something quite absurd and filled with politically-motivated
Felix (UK) - I would urge all to read this book, and thereafter see how easy it is to get swept up and trapped in the nightmare that is the
current Standard Model. A must-read if you want to educate yourself further, and best of all, free to quickly download. Check it out.
Keene F. TiedeMann (USA) - Fascinating! If only all sides in this cosmological debate would WORK TOGETHER, we would discover the
truth. (I unreservedly endorse this statement by Keene - Tom, the author.)
Nancy Nelson (USA) - I used to feel that the stars were beyond my grasp. Because I never took advanced classes in physics or advanced
mathematics, I thought the understanding the behaviour of the universe was beyond me - I was automatically excluded from that elite club that
understood the complexities of black holes, multi-verses, dark matter and other building blocks of reality. But as Einstein said, "God is subtle, but
he is not malicious." Thank you for writing your book and giving me back the stars.
Darrell Wikowski (San Jose, CA, USA) - Reading your beautifully written and illustrated book. As a welding engineer, the gouges, beads
and spatter that I made on steel and aluminium by the arcing welding rod looked much like those on Earth, the Moon and Mars. Yes, of course,
you have provided an answer where the academics have not. Thank you for your contribution. I am very grateful for your book. Keep up the great
work, sir.
Nigel Johnstone (UK) - I believe that the scripture clearly teaches us that 'things are made of that which doth not appear'. And also
teaches that what does not appear is a matter of living energy. The truth of living energy being the force behind material existence is
breathtakingly wonderful. I have an interest in these matters. Nigel.
Lawrence Hearn (Canada) - I'll be recommending this book to many.
Joachim Wilhelm (Germany) - good work ... thanks a lot ... very helpful ...
Craig Power (Canada) - Hi Tom, It's hard to explain, but when I finished your book during this summer I felt incredibly happy and
satisfied. It's as if I had just read the best "feel good" book on the planet. You do an amazing job connecting the dots and I feel that the 'electric
universe' approach to explaining the "stuff" around us is bang on. Um, not in the big bang sort of way though ... ;-) If anyone reading my
comments has always been perplexed about the "universe" and may feel that they don't know enough to understand, or worse, are not smart
enough to understand; READ Tom's book! It's the simple answers that stand up to scrutiny that make you know you've found the right place ... the
electric universe. Damn those pious university bastards for hiding this from us for so long!
Thank you Tom and take care, Craig
Henry Broadbent (Australia) - The electric sky was my start and all the others but I hope this book will be an easier explanation for my
friends, family etc to show what is really happening in science.
Catherine Coney (UK) - Thank you for the time and effort that you have put into presenting this information, in such a logical and
interesting manner. Since discovering the EU some years ago, I have attempted to explain the concept to others and good teaching resources are
essential, particularly at the beginners level. I hope there are more to come!
David Sheriff (Brazil) - Have followed this for years....obvious to me a long time ago that the entire Universe Works on frequencies.
Peter K. Campbell (Australia) - Great document, Tom; keep up the good work!
Robert (Germany) - Fantastic introduction and more to the Electric Universe Model which more and more is becoming fact for me. Triple
Thanks . Great Job
Healer (USA) - We the people are waking up. If we study vibration, magnetism, electricity, and frequency we will understand our nature.
Matter has these properties, and we are made of it. So do we have these properties?
G Tucker (USA) - Dear Tom Findlay, In looking around some sites relating to Thunderbolts, your name and writings popped up. I have
quickly read some of your blogs and have down loaded your pdf regarding the electric universe. During the next couple of weeks, I will worry
myself through your ideas. Send me you emails and I will attach an interesting essay you might find fun to read.
Blessings and Merry Christmas, Garry Tucker
Tom Sarbeck (USA) - I studied physics and doubted the ex nihilo story when I eard it. Eric Berne's book gave me my first talking points.
Read this Beginner's Guide!
Bill Copeland (USA) - Book is very well written and easy to read. Your cosmology rings very true. I hope we can talk sometime.
Colin (New Zealand) - Hi Tom, Been following the EU theory for a while, and new angles on it are greatly needed to give 'gravitas' to the
question. Thanks for putting your hard work out here.
Damon (Hawaii) - Just want to say thank you. Finally we have the truth and a logical one at that. Excellent read. All your efforts are greatly
Nigel Goldthorpe (Australia) - Having been a Scientist with a Chemistry background. I recently came across the EU Theory and started to
question the current Black Hole and BBT Universe. And having listened to a number of respectable physicists, Engineers etc who support the EU
Theory makes absolute logical sense to even those without a Science background. It is time for magical mathematics to step aside and let real
science take the forefront. Thanks Tom for an incredibly insightful book in introducing the Electric Universe. Nigel
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